24 Sep The DO’s and DONT’S for Legal Secretary Resumes!
This month AMWs Hot Take on how Legal Secretaries resumes SHOULD look when applying for new roles, got a lot of attention and it’s not going to be a surprise that I agree whole heartedly with her 2 cardinal rules (watch here)
But what else should you make sure to include if you are looking to secure an interview?
- Do include the practice area you work in, in your current and previous roles
- Do name the Partner you work/worked for (their reputation is your reputation)
- Do focus on your day to day responsibilities (I personally prefer dot point list)
- Do also include achievements/special projects or extra duties
- Do include the name of the systems you use in the role (Billing and Document management in particular)
- Do include the month and year on the start and end dates for each role and make sure they are accurate as they are used for references
- Do explain gaps in your resume i.e. Jan 2023 to August 2024 – Gap year to travel and work casually overseas
- Do a spelling and grammar check on the whole document and get someone else to proof read it!
- Do submit the resume in Word or PDF format – other formats can get distorted or not come through various portals
- Don’t use a causal selfie as your photo – photos on resumes are a personal choice but if you choose to use one make sure its work appropriate and current
- Don’t forget it’s a professional document, make sure the font, colour and styling are appropriate for a law firm
- Don’t leave off roles, it’s a small industry here in Australia and if you are concerned about a particular role being on your resume discuss it with your recruitment consultant about the best way to address the situation
- Don’t overstate your responsibilities or skills – you can still include something you have only done once but just indicate that’s the case – i.e. Exposure to Billing using Aderant
If you are updating your resume in order to apply for a new legal support role and would like some assistance message me at sommer@montgomeryadvisry.com.au! Also make sure you are following Annemarie’s’ LinkedIn Page to see her next Hot Take!