Where can you see yourself next?

Staff Spotlight

Staff Spotlight

What date did you join Montgomery?  September 2019

What is the best and worst part of your job?  Being part of a team who are great fun to work with whilst also having a genuine passion for doing the job properly.  The worst part is the underlying pressure exerted by team mates who exercise every, single day and never take a break, ever.

Where did you grow up?  Near Bournemouth in Dorset (south west coast of the UK).

As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?  An advertising copywriter. Fun kid.

Who is your mentor or greatest inspiration?  I worked under a recruitment manager once who was supernaturally calm.  He never cried when things went wrong and he never ran round high-fiving everyone when things went right – he had a perfect balance which I try very hard to channel!

What is your greatest achievement?  Raising two kids who are massively smarter than me.  They must never read this.

What is your favourite movie?  There are a few but the common threads are a handsome rogue, a farm boy, a princess, two droids and a Wookie.

What is your favourite board game?  I hate board games.

If you could be someone else for a day who would it be? (living or dead)  Any late 60’s/early 70’s astronaut.

Best holiday you’ve been on?  Any of the times I’ve been to the north east of Spain, around Barcelona. My favourite place on earth.

What three items are a must have if you were stuck on a desert island?  A handsome rogue, a farm boy, a princess…

If you won lotto what would you do?  Buy a house near the beach at Tamariu in Spain (Google it).

On the other side of COVID, what will you not take for granted?  A busy pub on a warm Saturday evening somewhere near the sea.






Matt Harris

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